Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The "DAY" is Finally Over

We went to court yesterday and after some heated discussion with Joy, it was finally decided that Larry and Liza would regain full custody of Chloe. The papers are being filed with the Court and hopefully, this will be the end of this issue in their lives. They have really done well and have been clean for over 3 years now. I don't anticipate they will ever try drugs again. I praise God for his goodness and am so thankful that we don't have to worry about Chloe leaving again.

I pray that God will give us the strength, courage, wisdom and grace to raise this beautiful child in His Grace.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Big "B"

First of all, I agree with Phil...who counts them? So I have 2.5 million or's my computer and my bacteria. If you don't like it...stay away from MY computer. Evidently they don't hurt me and they are keeping me strong to fight off all of the other bacteria in the world. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Friday, October 5, 2007

My Crayon Color

You are most like:


You are bold with a dark side. You make clear lines wherever you go, though you color outside of the lines. Many people may just see the surface of you and think you are merely plain, but you have a lot of depth to you as well.

Take this quiz: Which Crayola Box of 8 Color Are You?